
Object Paths
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You may be wondering what a registry is. Well, a Registry is a text file that a permanent world uses to find out how big objects are, and what objects can be used in the world. It also stops people from building on top of another persons property, or 'encroaching.' You may wonder why, in Trial worlds, you can build on someone's property. Its because there is no Registry. But in some permanent worlds, there are registries. Here is how to make one. First of all, if you want an AW registry, just tell me and I can give you one for free, to save you some trouble.

  1. Download RWXMOD from
  2. Make a blank .txt file on the desktop called registry.txt
  3. Go into RWXMod.
  4. Under Utilities, go to Generate Registry File.
  5. Under Output File, put the location of the registry file. (C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\registry.txt)
  6. Under Input Filespec, put the location of the object you want to add to the registry.
  7. Just ignore the File To Exclude and leave it ground.rwx
  8. Click generate.

Then, you have the registry file. You can do this for all the objects, or I can give you a registry for just AW's objects. To ask me for an AW object registry, just email me at I'm glad to help in any way I can! :D