Object Paths

Object Paths
Cool Teleports

Object Paths are sites that AW uses to find the avatars, models, sequences, sounds, and textures for a world. In this section, you will learn how to make your own object path!

  1. First, go to http://members.xoom.com and get a free site, to use as your OP. (Object Path)
  2. Next, go to http://www.activeworlds.com and look in the Objects and Avatars library. Download the AW set.
  3. Make sure you unzip the 5 files you get, awavs, awmodels, etc. zip files, but leave everything else zipped up.
  4. You will need an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to upload the files to your OP. Go to http://www.download.com. Do a search for WS_FTP Pro. WS_FTP Pro doesn't have the best interface, but it will be the easiest to use. Download WS_FTP Pro.
  5. Open up WS_FTP and enter ftp.xoom.com as the Host Name. Then, enter your XOOM name and password. Then connect.
  6. Make 5 different folders, called Avatars, Models, Sequences, Sounds, Textures. NOTE: The folders HAVE to be named these names, or else your OP will not work!!!
  7. Upload all the avatars into the avatars folder, the models into the models folder....etc.
  8. When you open your world, enter the main site address under Object Path.
  9. You now have a full working Object Path, in which you can add your own objects to!

You need something called avatars.dat to put into the avatars folder, to tell your OP which avatars to show in your world and what actions it can do. So, if you are making an OP, tell me and I'll give you an avatars.dat to complete your OP!

If you have any problems while trying to make an OP, or you just have some question, E-Mail me at Labrador78@yahoo.com!  Hope ya have fun!   :D